Archive for December, 2010

Apollonian Unicornis

Todays image was inspired by a youtuber I was introduced to yesterday named Vihart, in many of her videos she shows doodle games she played while bored in class.  One I really like explored the idea of infinity and Apollonian Gaskets. So, I decided to apply this fractal making tool to a unicorn:This was way more labor intensive than I thought it would be, but it was great fun and a good way to practice drawing circles.

If you’d like to watch the video explaining this doodle game/theory here it is:

Oh and for Bonus points I used photoshop to copy and paste my unicorn into what I call “Unicornis ad Infinitum”

The Coffee Fairy….

I thought I would have to rename her the fail fairy for awhile there.  I’ve been having computer issues, starting with it not wanting to read my cf card yesterday.  Today it didn’t want to scan and then finally about an hour ago it ate my drawing right after I finished it, photoshop crashed.  Luckily I did a save, unluckily it was before I gave my fairy hair.  So I pulled out my own and gave it to her….no, I cried in a corner, came back and after another hour of work finally finished the thing.  So, this isn’t my best but it’s done….this whole do an image a day thing is easier said than done.  Now, you’ll have to excuse me I think I need to go visit my personal coffee fairy.

My first wand…

As a Harry Potter fan I’ve been wanting to make a wand for awhile.  I’m also a knitter and about a year ago my guy bought me a set of gorgeous rosewood dpns.  All was blissfull and good but there was an incident, where I won’t name names….or butts for that matter and one of them was sat on.  Luckily the person who did the sitting was fine, but the needle didn’t make it:



However this was easily turned into a positive considering this is the perfect color for a Ginny Weasley wand replica and at 8″ it is just a half inch shorter than her wand!  Also, I have polymer clay and reasonable abilities with it, so tada, here is the wand.

So, it isn’t perfect and I can think of some things I’ll do different next time, but not bad.


For today I’ve done another photomanipulation after a failed attempt at a self portrait in photoshop.  I’m not sure if this image is exactly what I wanted, I think I need to research fireballs a bit more, but it is fun and somewhat interesting.  Please look at the DA post for credits to the images used:  

Getting into the Season…

I was just doodling in my sketch pad and this cute little elf came out of my head.  I don’t often draw spontaneously like this with no references, but I think he’s cute and it was good to practice shading with coloring pencils (which I NEVER do) and using good old ink for outline.  I rely so much on photoshop and computer technology sometimes it’s good to take a step backward and use more traditional methods, I have a wacky theory that doing so may make me better at the newer methods.  Alright, now I”m gonna shut up and post the drawing:

The idea was to make a wire fairie….it may look a bit like an angel, I suppose it depends on your point of view.  In the past I’ve made wire jewelery…working in 3 dimensions was a bit more challenging than I expected.  I just went for it thinking, “I’ve worked with wire, this will be easy”…not!  This is my 5th day straight 360 more to go…ugh…this may be more challenging than I thought.

A Golem

Not the most creative title I know.  Today I was inspired by Jewish folklore to create a Golem. According to wikipedia: ” The word golem is used in the Bible to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance. Psalm 139:16 uses the word גלמי, meaning my unshaped form, which then passed into Yiddish as goylem”

Here is the one I made using photoshop and my wacom tablet:


Magic in the Reading…

It has been a long time since I’ve made a photo manipulation.  For those not in the know a photo manipulation is when an artist uses other artists stock photos, brushes and other tools to create a new image.  For me it’s a great way to get creative juices flowing and I love that it feels like I’m collaborating with artists and turning their work into something they didn’t think of but will hopefully like, I can’t thank them enough it’s huge that they trust complete strangers with their images and don’t ask for anything but a link back. DeviantArt is an amazing community that makes these things possible and here is my post on DeviantArt with links to all the wonderful people who had a hand in this image:

This is a detail shot of the photo manipulation I have entitle “Magic in the Reading”, to see the full version please click on the above link to view on my DA page.  Yes this is Harry Potter fanart, I was trying to capture that magical and fantastic feeling many fans feel when they first read the series and become immersed in that world.

I tried some more complicated images today but wound up going back to the suggestion for day 1.  On day 1 I accidentally did day 40, so today I did day 1’s suggestion to make “something that fits in the palm of your hand using materials found in your immediate environment.  So I drew on my hand with the red, green and black pens I had on my desk and photographed it next to the map on the wall next to my desk.

So there’s this book…

A little about me, I turned 30 this year. I’ve been married for one year since October to a man I’ve known for 7 years total, his name is Allan and he’s my biggest supporter and motivator when it comes to being creative and artistic…and so he bought me this book, a book called :365, A Daily Creativity Journal; Make Something Everyday and Change Your Life: by Noah Scalin.  Noah Scalin famously embarked on a year of a Skull a Day and made some amazingly creative things.

For my project I decided to build on something I love and that is fantasy, I love to read it, play fantasy games and draw mythological animals.  I love gnomes, fairies, dragons, griffins, etc.   So each day I will make something fantastical.  I draw, paint with watercolors, paint in photoshop, do photo manipulations, have worked with clay….so the possibilities are near endless here.  I’m very excited and hope I can pass some of that excitement onto others, I welcome opinions and suggestions and I hope to have people hold me accountable, because I would love to do this for one whole year, this will be a great adventure.

For my first day I looked around me and used a material I have an awful lot of, namely yarn.  I am a knitter and my yarn stash is omnipresent in my space.